Alecia and Julie thehamptonsvegan
OVER TWENTY-FIVE YEARS living in our Hamptons Vegan Home
OVER TWELVE YEARS living a vegan lifestyle
Welcome to our Hamptons Vegan home page
Our Hamptons Vegan Home journey is on the road toward compassion, kindness, and beauty in our everyday lives.
We’ve lived year-round in our Hamptons Vegan home and community for over twenty-five years. There have been many changes to the area through the years but fortunately, the concept of open space preservation remains routed in the beauty of this location.
We’ve experienced our changes along the way as well. We started early on as vegetarians and evolved into a vegan lifestyle through informative books, documentaries, and inner soul-searching.
We became painfully aware that although we never meant harm in the choices we made, we were contributing to the suffering in our world with purchases, actions, and the food we ate.
One of the books that influenced us is Animal Liberation by Peter Singer. A good documentary that everyone should see is Forks over Knives. There are so many other good sources of information to share and we will be happy to recommend those throughout our site.
It isn’t always easy finding vegan choices out here on the East End of Long Island so we’re here to help.
Change isn’t easy. We hold on to traditions that aren’t the best choice anymore, or worse, cause harm to ourselves or others. We stick with what we know and stay with what is ingrained in our culture. It’s important to understand how our choices affect our world.
The Hamptons aren’t so different from anywhere else. What’s been done for centuries is difficult to relinquish. Preserving our historical heritage and documenting our contributions is important. It’s equally important to move forward, advancing for the good of our people, environment, and fellow earthlings. (There’s another good source of information: the documentary, Earthlings.)
Change is not easy but it’s not a bad thing. It’s necessary if we want to be the best we can be.
We will be visiting restaurants, farmers markets, and places of interest with recommendations for all.
Who doesn’t love to eat out? It’s challenging to find vegan choices, though. We found it less stressful when we stopped thinking about what we couldn’t eat, buy, or wear and listed what we could have. Some of our vegetarian meals were already vegan and others converted to vegan with a few changes.
Inquiring ahead to a restaurant about vegan options prepares for a good experience. It isn’t always necessary though. It may just be a matter of choosing a few sides if there are no entrees listed. Ask and they may surprise you with something not on the menu.
Getting the word out whenever and wherever you shop spreads the word that vegan choices are a good thing for everyone.
We’ll offer ideas and activities highlighting a vegan lifestyle.
The vegan lifestyle is really about opening a new door and letting go of the negativity. Know that what you do as an individual does make a difference. You will always be welcome here at the Hamptons Vegan Home.
Embrace change all at once or in baby steps. Be an advocate for change in a peaceful protest. Write to your elected officials to change antiquated practices and to instill just and cruelty-free laws. Vote for more vegan alternatives with your buying power while shopping.
You can choose to live a more peaceful, caring life in so many ways. It’s your journey and we’re so proud you are taking that step.
We’ll also be sharing vegan recipes from our Hamptons vegan home that we think you’ll enjoy.
When I set out to veganize my home cooking, it was overwhelming. Many family recipes were not just favorites but traditions. I didn’t think I could recreate the foods we loved. I’m here to tell you, we are not only enjoying most of our favorites but we are eating a lot healthier as well. What a bonus!
Vegan eating checks all the (good) boxes. Healthier ..√, better for the environment..√, better for the animals..√, creating new traditions while still holding on to many of the old, too..√√! It’s a win-win lifestyle that just keeps getting better as we go.
We are not perfect. Mistakes are made, we learn and strive to keep improving. This is our home-spun version of how to live a vegan life.
Most of all, we offer friendship, fun, guidance, and vegan love to all.
♥ Welcome home to The Hamptons Vegan ♥ We’d love for you to join us!
© 2017 – 2024 thehamptonsvegan. all rights reserved